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You have been working hard, but don’t have much to show for it? You expect to be doing better, but the books don’t reflect that? We understand. Our specialty is getting your business on the right track even amidst challenging circumstances. Whether you own a single or multi-unit business, every aspect must be scrutinized. Meaningful turnaround requires expert business know-how and full immersion into every aspect of your venture, without losing sight of the big picture. Your return on investment will be realized in the initial stages of our collaboration, everything else is just a bonus!


Often times capital is not the limiting factor, but a specific know-how that is needed for desired growth. There are many traps that can be costly or even devastating to your pipeline plans. We have opened brands in challenging markets and helped expand dozens of units across different regions. If you need that kind of support to improve your odds of success, please contact us.


Has scaling your business put you in a situation where you feel like you have lost control? The gaps are causing you sleepless nights, or you just know you can do a lot better? Without a specific skill set and know-how, there is a good chance your investment will flop. As you probably realize, running a multi-unit business is a different ballgame than that of a single unit. Let us help you. We are invested in the success of your venture. We know what it takes to ensure stability and momentum to grow further.


Operations is our bread-and-butter, having worked our way up puts us in the best position to assess the situation and implement what we know, steering you in the right direction for years to come. There is no substitute or shortcuts to learning what we know, it must be earned and rooted in experience. We have done it all - major hotel chain, fast food chain, one of the world’s most recognizable retail brands, etcetera, and all in market diversified and multicultural environments. Save yourself time and money, contact Enicon ASAP and together we will get some big early winners!


Sales are not doing well? There is a specific key product or a service you would like to see grow? Beverage sales lagging behind food sales? We have dealt with all of these, and many other frequently encountered challenges. Worry not, we know the solutions. In fact, our know-how delivered such impressive turn-around that on occasion we were asked to slow down, as production could not keep up with demand. The latter scenario is a good problem to have! Want to know more? Contact us.


Balancing labor cost with quality is imperative in hospitality industry. Optimizing this balance will allow you grow. How does a seven percentage point labor cost reduction on yearly level on an already mature business sound like, all while maintaining quality and creating future leaders? We know how it is done!


Since cost of goods is one of the most important type of cost, it is surprising how many businesses do not follow best practices, and thus jeopardize their future by neglecting this cost category. Our expert advice will set you on the right track, but your consistency and diligence will keep you there. Do you want to save 10% just on procurement, yet simultaneously increase customer satisfaction by offering better quality products? We did it, and so can you with our help!


When done right, coffee and cake multi-unit retail business is one of the most rewarding ones. If you throw in production and wholesale and add it to retail, that is a winning combination. We have extensive first-hand experience in setting up, optimizing and expanding this business model. Contact us for more.


QSR or fast food segment is one of the niches we have the most experience with. Brand creation, positioning, capex simulation, market opening, site location, construction, operations, supply chain management, marketing, security, facility management … you name it, we’ve done it. If you are planning to enter, expand or sell your business on this competitive market, contact us – we will help you make the most of it!


The backbone of a successful hospitality business are its people. Their skill-set and motivation makes all the difference. If you have recurring issues with staff such as high employee turnover or morale erosion resulting in poor performance, we can help you fix this. We will share our expertise with your key people, mentor and offer leadership development. Instilling a growth mindset in your team always delivers desired results.


Have you ever felt the need to have a thorough, unbiased look at your business? Someone independent and professional to point out where you can do better, or if there are “red flags” that you should have prevented yesterday? Stop wasting your hard-earned money! In addition to a detailed analysis of your business, we will also analyze how you compare relative to similar businesses.


Without standardization and implementation, you are letting outside factors run your business. Take charge, do your best to minimize “gray areas” and create a sturdy foundation as the backbone of your business in order to ensure success for years to come. We will guide you, or do it for you, depending on your wants and needs.


Technology can be overwhelming - business intelligence software, loyalty programs via mobile phones, remote ordering systems, handheld devices, mobile apps, POS, property systems, the list goes on! We were involved in either designing, developing or implementing every one of these. Let us see how can the ICT sector services best serve you. In this day and age, strategic use of technology will give your business a competitive advantage and set you apart from the competition.


Unfortunately, not infrequently, law compliance and/or health and safety are neglected until something bad happens. Without fail, this tarnishes the reputation of your business, and invariably affects your bottom line. Do not allow yourself to ever get to that point! Be proactive and invest in our services. Penny-wise and pound-foolish has never been a smart thing to do.


Would you ask your dentist to fix your car? Or your dog walker to inspect the plumbing? We wouldn’t, either. It makes no sense to hire someone with minimal specific knowledge to assess your business. Most people do not know what they do not know. Making it in the hospitality business is our expertise. We will provide a lot more bang for the buck!


Franchising is a sound business model that can provide many benefits for both parties. However, before signing off on the dotted line, it is strongly recommended to consult the experts to make sense of the complicated “legalese” in the contract. You need to fully understand everything, and especially your maneuvering space once you “seal the deal.” The last thing you want is an unexpected clash between your ROI expectations and complex contracts. If you would like to build your business and offer it on the market, it is imperative to design it in a way that makes things easier in the long run.


Zagrebacka 164/1
10410 Velika Gorica

+385 91 630 2865

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